1400 Series Phone User Guide Page 123
15-601040 Issue 06d (Monday, March 19, 2012)IP Office
Button Features: Features
17.2.25 User
Monitors whether another user's phone is idle or in use. The Telephone Number field should contain the users name
enclosed in double quotes. The button can be used to make calls to the user or pickup their longest waiting call when
ringing. On buttons with a text label, the user name is shown.
The actions performed when the button is pressed will depend on the state of the target user and whether they are local
or on a remote SCN system.
· Displays an option to pickup the call.
Red wink
(on with brief flashes)
Initiates a call to the users.
Cause a single burst of ringing on the target phone. On some phones,
when they end their current call their phone will then display PLEASE
CALL and your extension number.
Call the user's voicemail mailbox.
Set an automatic callback.
Disconnect the user's current call.
The following additional options may also be displayed:
If configured to be able to intrude on the user:
· Acquire
Take control of the call.
· Intrude
Intrude into the call, turning it into a 3-way conference.
If configured to be able to listen to the user:
· Listen
Start silent monitoring of the user's call.
· The status shown for a logged out user without mobile twinning will depend on whether they have Forward
Unconditional enabled. If they have Forward Unconditional enabled the user is shown as idle. If they do not
have Forward Unconditional enabled they will show as if on DND.
· The status shown for a logged out user with mobile twinning will be as follows:
· If there are any calls alerting or in progress through the system to the twinned destination, the user status is
shown as alerting or in-use as appropriate. This includes the user showing as busy/in-use if they have such a
call on hold and they have Busy on Held enabled.
· If the user enables DND through Mobile Call Control or one-X Mobile client, their status will show as DND.
· Calls from the system direct to the user's twinned destination number rather than redirected by twinning will
not change the user's status.