3701 Phone User Guide Page 21
IP Office 3.2 [15-601083] Issue [1b] (1 June 2006)
Menu: Telephone Book Settings
The Telephone Book allows you to store up to 50 phone numbers and names. The entries in the phone
book are stored locally on the phone. The names are sorted alphabetically, therefore the phone book
offers an alphabetic search function. Entering the same phone number more than once is not accepted,
but the same name can be stored with different numbers.
An entry can consist of a maximum of 32 digits for the number and 16 characters for the name (refer to
Entering Characters/Names). The beginning/end of the phone book list is marked by a dashed line. If a
caller is listed in the phone book and the phone number has been transmitted for the incoming call, then
his name appears on the display.
Dialing: dial the selected entry by pressing . Pre-dialling is started by pressing for a longer period.
Predial number is entered into the pre-dial mode.
Dial the number is dialed immediately.
Details shows name and number of the entry.
Edit edits the entry.
Delete deletes the entry.
Quick Call direct access to the phonebook entry keys 1…9.
Entering Characters/Names
The following characters can be entered by pressing the keypad keys several times. The entry position is
automatically advanced if no entries are made for a short while or a new character is entered. Pressing
the -key switches from capitals to non-capitals and the same action switches back. While entering
characters the first display line shows all characters assigned to the key. The actual position is marked
by > <.
Key Capital letter Small letter
1 ?!1-+*/=&()%¿¡ ?!1-+*/=&()%¿¡
2 ABC2ÄÅÀÁÃÆÇ abc2äåàáãæç
3 DEF3ÈÉÊË def3èéêë
4 GHI4ÌÍÎÏ ghi4ìíîï
5 JKL5 jkl5
6 MNO6ÑÖÒÓÔÕØ mno6ñöòóôõø
7 PQRS7ß pqrs7ß
8 TUV8ÜÙÚÛ tuv8üùúû
9 WXYZ9 wxyz9
0 (space) ,.0:;_”‘^~ (space) ,.0:;_”‘^~
* A’a a’A
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