2420/5420 Phone Page 29
15-601127 Issue 09a (16 July 2009)IP Office
Using Visual Voice:
4.1 Listen to Voicemails
To listen to your Voicemails or your Group Voicemails:
1. Press Voice.
2. Press Listen (for your messages) or <group name> (for your hunt group messages), for example, Sales
3. When prompted, key in the password. If your extension has been configured as a trusted source, the password will
not be required.
Note - If you do not have the required password, contact your administrator.
You will be presented with the following message categories for your messages:
· New (5)
· Old (7)
· Saved (13)
Note - The total number of messages in each category is displayed in brackets.
4. Use the feature key to select the category, for example New.
The first message in the selected category will play and the following message handling feature key options are
· Next - Plays next message.
· << - rewinds current message by 5 sec
· >> – fast forwards current message by 5 sec
· Pause- pauses the current message/resumes playing
· Delete - Delete the current message.
· Save - Change the current message's category to 'saved'
· Previous – Plays previous message
· Copy- Copy the message to another mailbox or mailboxes. If selecting more than one mailbox, the entries must be
separated with a #.
To add a covering message to the copied voicemail.
1. Press Copy, and add the recipients. The feature keys change to the copy options.
2. Press Pre-Rec
3. Record your message
4. Press Stop
5. Press Listen to check your message. You can change the message by selecting Pre-Rec again.
6. Press Send.
· Depending on the number of feature keys available, you may need to use the scrolling facility to see all of the