1. Enter your username/extension.
2. Press Enter or OK.
3. Enter your password.
4. Press Login or OK.
Agent login
If the telephone prompts you for your Username, you must first log in to the phone
extension, as covered in Logging in to your telephone extension. Log in as an agent from
the Phone screen.
1. Press the Login softkey.
2. Enter your Agent ID.
3. Press the Enter softkey or the OK button.
4. Enter your Agent Password, if applicable.
5. Press the Enter softkey or the OK button.
Agent logout
Once you are logged in as an agent, the Logout softkey appears whenever you are not
active on a call. Depending on how your call center system is administered, a system-
generated "forced" logout might occur, for example, based on the time of day.
1. Press the Logout softkey.
2. If required, enter a Reason Code for the logout.
3. Press the Enter softkey or the OK button.
Logging out of your telephone extension
1. Press the A button.
2. Scroll down and select Logout Extension? This option won't display if you are still
logged in as an agent.
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Press Logout to confirm.
About Agent Work Modes and Agent States
When you are logged in as an agent, the top display line shows your current work mode
and state, for example, Auto On-Call. Agent work modes are None, Auto-In, and Manual-
In. Agent states are:
• Aux - You are usually placed in the Auxiliary state after agent login. You must
change to Auto-In or Manual-In work mode to become available to receive
incoming call center calls. You can change back to Aux to indicate you are not
available to receive call center calls, for example, when you want to take a break.
Depending on how your system is administered, you might be prompted to
optionally or be required to enter a Reason Code when changing to Aux.
• ACW - Switch to ACW to perform after call work, such as completing a call-related
form. The call distribution system automatically changes your agent state to ACW
if you are in Manual-In mode or in Auto-In mode, where completing a call
automatically switches you to ACW for a preset time period.
• On Call - This state is automatically assigned when you are active on a call.
About Agent Work Modes and Agent States
Issue 1 January 2008 13