
Page 50 - Checklist System Handover
System Handover
Have all extensions been tested?
Have all exchange lines been tested?
Have all private wires been tested?
Is system programming in line with the customer specification?
E.g. all specified applications, CTI settings, etc.
Has the customer been made aware of the drop back (power fail) locations?
Are these been clearly marked and have they been tested?
Has the mains supply (and any UPS if fitted) been tested?
Have the trunk modules and Analog Trunk 16, where equipped, been fitted with the appropriate
functional/protective grounds (see page 37).
Is the distribution wiring (structured cabling) satisfactory to the required national standards?
Are all wires and cables clearly labeled.
Is the site clean and tidy with all rubbish removed?
Have the telephone user guides been issued to the user.
Has the customer been made aware of the telephone number for maintenance/fault reports.
Feature Key :
Where a Feature Key has been used (for software requiring a license), record it's physical
location (location of the PC is it plugged into) and leave a record of such on site with the system.
Page 50 - System Handover IP Office Installation Manual
Checklist 40DHB0002USCL – Issue 7 (09/25/2002)