Selecting an Alternate Language
Issue 4 November 2006 71
Selecting an Alternate Language
Users can change the user interface language their 4622SW IP Telephones display.
The 4622SW IP Telephone’s standard language configuration supports the following
● English (the default display language)
● Français
● Italiano
● Japanese (Katakana only)
● Español
● Deutsch
● Nederlands
● Português
A given 4622SW IP Telephone supports one of three language configurations:
● The standard configuration described in the list preceding this one
● English, Chinese, Russian, and Hebrew
● English, Japanese (Katakana and Han characters), Russian, and Hebrew
The Language Selection screen identifies which configuration applies to your 4622SW IP
1. Select Select display language on the second Options Main screen.
The Language Selection screen displays.
2. Select the Line/Feature button next to the language you want your phone to display when in
If the currently active language was selected, the second Options Main screen re-displays
and no action is taken.
If any language other than the currently active language was selected, the Language
Confirmation screen displays. The prompt “Are you sure?” displays in the currently active
language and in the new language you selected. The four softkeys at the bottom of the
display are labeled respectively “Yes” and “No” in both the currently active language and the
selected new language.