Avaya™ ATM WAN Survivable Processor Manager Installation and Configuration 31
Before you uninstall ASP Manager, you must shut down ASP Manager. To do so, you must
have access to the ASP Manager server PC. To shut down ASP Manager, complete the
following steps:
1. Exit the client if it is open by choosing File>Exit.
2. Open an MS-DOS window.
Most likely, you can access this from the Windows Start menu, by choosing
Start>Programs, MS-DOS Command Prompt.
3. At the prompt, type net stop “WSP Background Processes”
4. Wait a minute for the ASP Manager server to shut down.
The MS-DOS window will display a message that the services are stopping.
ASP Manager will not notify users when it has shut down, but users will receive an error to
this effect if they attempt to perform an action that requires the ASP Manager server. The
ASP Manager server software will automatically start again after you reboot the ASP
Manager server.
Once ASP Manager server software has been installed, the ASP Manager server software
starts automatically each time you restart the computer it is installed on, and it runs
continuously unless you stop it manually. If you have stopped it manually and you want to
restart it without restarting your computer, complete the following steps:
1. Open an MS-DOS window.
Most likely, you can access this from the Windows Start menu, by choosing
Start>Programs, MS-DOS Command Prompt.
2. At the prompt, type net start “WSP Background Processes”
3. Wait a minute for the ASP Manager server to start.
The MS-DOS window will display a message that the services were started