Traffic engineering
206 Avaya Application Solutions IP Telephony Deployment Guide
Table 33 provides a summary of call usage rates, which can be mapped to a table of TDM
usage rates and media processing usage rates by using the information in Figure 67
Figure 68
. We assume that there is only one PN in Site 1, one in Site 2, and two G350 Media
Gateways in Site 3. Under this assumption, which will be assessed shortly, all calls between
circuit-switched endpoints in Sites 1 and 2 are assumed to be intra-Port Network. A minimum of
two G350 Media Gateways is required to house the 36 analog telephones in Site 3. The results
of this exercise are shown in Table 34:
TDM and Media Processing usages (Erlangs) for
Example 5: TDM and media processing usage on page 207.
Table 33: Re-categorization of CURs from Table 32
Endpoints Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Intrasite: I, I 12.7 E 1.9 E 0.78 E
Intrasite: I, C or P 76.8 E 26.7 E 14.4 E
Intrasite: C or P, C or P 40.6 E 11.4 E 1.9 E
Calls from Site 1
to Site 2
I 7.5 E 8.3 E 0
C or P 4.5 E 3.7 E 0
Calls from Site 2
to Site 1
I 7.5 E 8.3 E 0
C or P 4.5 E 3.7 E 0
Calls from Site 1
to Site 3
I 3.2 E 0 4.4 E
C or P 1.8 E 0 0.59 E
Calls from Site 3
to Site 1
I 3.2 E 0 4.4 E
C or P 1.8 E 0 0.59 E
Calls from Site 2
to Site 3
I 0 1.4 E 1.7 E
C or P 0 0.61 E 0.23 E
Calls from Site 3
to Site 2
I 0 1.4 E 1.7 E
C or P 0 0.61 E 0.23 E