Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 275
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Administration: Hunt Group Voicemail
5.3.4 Out of Hours Operation
Voicemail Provides a number of greetings for groups. One of these is an Out of Hours Greeting.
Through IP Office Manager or using a short code a hunt group can be taken in or out of service. When the group is Out of
Service, callers are played the group's "Out of Hours" greeting and can then leave a message. Alternatively, if an Out of
Service Fallback Group has been configured, callers are passed to that group.
Similarly, a group can be taken in or out of Night Service by using Manager, short codes or an associated time profile.
When the group is in Night Service, callers are played the group's "Out of Hours" greeting and can then leave a message.
Alternatively, if an Out of Hours Fallback Group has been configured, callers are passed to that group.