Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix June 2007 43
Chapter 5: Starting and Stopping Avaya IP
This chapter explains how to begin using Avaya IP Agent. It contains the following sections:
● Starting Avaya IP Agent on page 43
● Initializing IP Endpoint configurations on page 44
● Registering with the Avaya communication server on page 47
● Logging in as an agent (EAS) on page 49
● Logging in as an agent (non-EAS) on page 50
● Logging out of Avaya IP Agent on page 51
● Exiting Avaya IP Agent on page 52
● Using alternate user interfaces on page 52
Starting Avaya IP Agent
This section provides the procedure for starting the Avaya IP Agent application.
Steps for starting Avaya IP Agent
To start Avaya IP Agent:
1. Select the Start button from the Windows task bar.
2. Select Programs > Avaya.
3. Select Avaya IP Agent - <language>.
The Avaya IP Agent window is displayed. Although Avaya IP Agent is now running, your
extension is not yet registered with the Avaya communication server.
4. For IP Endpoint configurations, go to Initializing IP Endpoint configurations
on page 44.