Installing and Cabling the Cabinets
72 Installation, Upgrades and Additions for Avaya CMC1 Media Gateways
Testing hardware connections
In the following table, find your data module and follow the instructions for testing and
troubleshooting it.
Setting the operating mode
To set the operating mode of the data module:
1. Connect an RS-232 cable from the ASA/DSA/DNA computer to the data module. If you are
using an 8400B+, connect the ASA/DSA/DNA computer to the data module using the
supplied adapter cable.
2. Using a terminal emulator, connect to the serial port to which the data module is connected,
and set the emulation to vt100 mode.
3. Type AT at the prompt and press Enter.The data module should return an OK. If it does not,
be sure that a standard RS-232 or EIA-232 cable is connected (not a null modem cable).
Type of
How to Test and Troubleshoot
8400B+ The red LED should be steady on. If the red and green
LEDs are blinking, the unit is not communicating with
the Avaya CMC1 Media Gateway. Check the wiring at
the MDF, wall jack, and the 8400B+.
7400B+ The Power and TR LEDs should be steady on. If the
Power and Data LEDs are blinking, the unit is not
communicating with the Avaya CMC1 Media Gateway.
Check the wiring at the MDF, wall jack, and the 7400B+.
7400A Set the 7400A to DCE mode. The Power LED must be
steady on. The DTR, DSR, DCD, RTS, and CTS
settings must be highlighted in the display. If the Power
LED is blinking, the data module is not communicating
with the Avaya CMC1 Media Gateway. Check the wiring
at the MDF, wall jack, and 7400A.