Issue 3 January 2002
Chapter 2: What To Do When Users
Cannot Receive EC500 Calls
Most problems reported by EC500 users are not likely to be problems with EC500
itself. In most cases, reported problems are caused by unexpected interaction
between the Cellular Service Provider and EC500 features.
This chapter provides troubleshooting procedures to follow when users cannot
receive EC500 calls on their cell phones.
A basic EC500 troubleshooting chart covering other possible problems that might
be encountered with EC500 operation can be found in Chapter 1: Basic
Troubleshooting, as can information on error codes you may see on your
administrative terminal.
For test procedures used to verify the connection to the cell phone, see Chapter 4,
“Installation and Administration Test” in the
EC500 Release 3 Installation and
Administration Guide
Procedures for Users Who Cannot
Receive EC500 Calls on Their Cell
If an EC500 user is not able to receive EC500 calls on the cell phone, follow these
procedures in the suggested order to isolate and fix the problem. After each step,
you may want to verify that the problem has been fixed by making an EC500 call
to the mapped cell phone.
1. Verify that you can call the cell phone from the switch. This also verifies that
the user’s service contract with the Cellular Service Provider (CSP) is
active, and that the user gets good coverage in that area.