Chapter 5 Network Management and Monitoring
Avaya M770 M-ACCF/SF ATM Access Modules User’s Guide 81
Cajun LANEMaster provides a simple method of managing LAN Emulation on an
ATM network using Avaya M770 ATM Devices (see Figure 5.1). Cajun
LANEMaster provides an overall view of both the physical and logical structure of
the network, and the configuration parameters of the LANE components. Cajun
LANEMaster also provides an easy way to associate ELANs to VLANs. Tools are
provided to help you search for a specific LANE component, and to print any of the
information provided.
Cajun LANEMaster contains the following wizards:
• LANE Wizard which enables you to:
— Set up LANE on an ATM network using default parameters for the
— Set up LANE on an ATM network via a series of simple steps using
parameters you select.
— Modify the configuration of LANE components after LANE has been set up.
— Configure ELAN to VLAN association parameters.
• Association Wizard which enables you to:
— Associate ELANs to VLANs.
— Disassociate ELANs from VLANs.
— Limit ELAN to VLAN Associations to specific devices.
Starting Cajun LANEMaster
• To start Cajun LANEMaster from CajunView Console:
—Select Tools > Cajun LANEMaster.
• To start Cajun LANEMaster from HP-OVWin:
—Select Avaya > Cajun LANEMaster.
• To start Cajun LANEMaster from HP NNM (UNIX or Windows NT):
—Select Tools > Avaya > Cajun LANEMaster.
Cajun LANEMaster opens.