While on an active call
Retrieving a Parked Call
You must have the retrieval code to retrieve a parked call from the server.
You can retrieve a parked call while the IP Deskphone is in the idle state
or while on a call.
To retrieve a parked call from the server
2. Press the abc/123 context-sensitive soft
key to toggle between alphabetic and
numeric characters.
3. Use the Dialpad to enter the user name
to whom you are parking the call.
4. You can do one of the following:
— Press the Park context-sensitive soft
key to park the call to the user and
return to the previous menu.
— Press the Clear context-sensitive
soft key to erase the input field.
— Press the Back context-sensitive
soft key to return to the previous
1. Press the Servcs context-sensitive soft
key and select Retrieve Parked Call
from the menu.