Chapter 3: Basic Operations 37
Figure 3.15: User Reports Window
2. Click the name of the user report you want to edit.
- or -
Click the Create New button to add a new user report. A new row is added
to the User Reports table.
The user report information displays in the dialog box.
3. Click the Enabled checkbox to enable the user report.
4. Type a new name for the user report in the Unique name fi eld. The name
cannot contain any spaces and the only special character allowed is the
underscore (_).
5. Type information for the user report you wish to create in the User Report
Script fi eld. Make sure that you type values that are enabled and valid.
Precede each value with a dollar sign ($), for example, $Analog_Input1.
NOTE: The User Report Script is a free-form fi eld. The text typed into the User Report Script
fi e l d w i l l be inserted into the user report exactly as you type it.
6. Click the Test Selected button to test the report. A message box displays the
contents of the report you are testing. Click OK to exit the message box.
See Figure 3.16 for an example of a user report.