Turntables with RCA Connectors
One common turntable configuration has two RCA
jacks plus a ground post. Following is a schematic
diagram of a suitable custom cable:
This configuration has two separate cables plus a
ground wire, and requires balanced cabling with at
least two conductors plus a shield. If the cabling has
a third conductor (in addition to the shield), it
should be connected to pin 1 of the XLR connector
and left unconnected at the RCA end. If the cabling
has four or more conductors, they should be
paralleled to create two composite conductors.
Normally this turntable configuration has the RCA
connectors mounted to an unsuspended part of the
turntable and the cable’s stiffness will not interfere
with the turntable’s suspension. Should the RCA
connectors be mounted to a suspended part of the
Male RCA Shield
Male XLR
To Phono
Ground Wire
Spade Lug Spade Lug