
Status Update Messages:
The following status update messages are sent by the player automatically when the
verbose mode is set to 2 or 3.
Verbose Mode 2:
- Power Status Update:
Sent when there is a change of power on/off status.
Possible parameters: 1 digit
1 – Player is turned on
0 – Player is going off
Example: @UPW 1
- Playback Status Update:
Sent when there is a change of playback status.
Possible Parameters: 4 chars
DISC – No disc
LOAD – Loading disc
OPEN – Tray is open
CLOS – Tray is closing
PLAY – Playback is starting
PAUS – Playback is paused
STOP – Playback is stopped
STPF – Forward frame-by-frame step mode
STPR – Reverse frame-by-frame step mode
FFWn – Fast forward mode. Where n is a number of 1..5 to indicate the
speed level
FRVn – Fast reverse mode. Where n is a number of 1..5 to indicate the
speed level
SFWn – Slow forward mode. Where n is a number of 1..5 to indicate the
speed level (1 = ½, 2 = ¼, 3 = 1/8, 4 = 1/16, 5 = 1/32)
SRVn – Slow reverse mode. Where n is a number of 1..5 to indicate the
speed level (1 = ½, 2 = ¼, 3 = 1/8, 4 = 1/16, 5 = 1/32)
HOME – in home menu
MCTR – in media center
Example: @UPL PLAY
UVL - Volume Level Update:
Sent when there is a change in volume level or mute status.
Possible Parameters: 3 chars
MUT – Mute is engaged
100 – Current volume level. Sent when mute is canceled.
Example: @UVL 100