Controls and
The Ayre V-6x has a front panel control for normal
stand-alone operation. The amplifier may also be
controlled via a “trigger” input in a home-theater.
Power Switches
The master power switch on
the rear panel also
incorporates a circuit breaker.
There are two power switches on the Ayre V-6x.
The master power switch on the rear panel is
normally intended to be left on at all times. The
front-panel switch selects between the “Standby”
and “Operate” modes.
When the master power switch is first turned on,
the front panel indicator light will glow red for
approximately one second. During this time, the
unit is in “Warm-Up” mode and the front-panel
switch is inoperable.
Red = Warm-Up
Green = Standby
Blue = Operate
After the circuitry has stabilized, the indicator light
will change to green, indicating that the unit is in
“Standby” mode and is ready for operation. When
the listener presses the front-panel switch, the unit
is in “Operate” mode and the indicator light glows