Temperature adjustment
The temperature of the freezer is adjusted by means of the knob assembled on the
thermostat, position „MAX” being the lowest temperature.
The achieved temperatures can vary according to the conditions of use of the
appliance, such as: place of the appliance, ambient temperature, frequency of lid
opening, extent of filling with food of the freezer. The position of the thermostat
knob will change according to these factors. Normally, for an ambient temperature
of approx. 25
C, the thermostat should be adjusted to the mild position.
We recommended that you check the temperature with a thermometer to ensure
that the Freezer is kept to the desired temperature. Remember you must take your
reading very quickly since the thermometer temperature will rise very rapidly after
you remove it from the freezer.
Please remember each time the lid is opened cold air escapes and the internal
temperature rises. Therefore never leave the lid open and ensure it is closed:
immediately after Food is put in or removed.
Indicator lights
The indicator light set is placed on the back side of the freezer for easy visibility.
By using the Thermostat Adjustment Knob (1), you can adjust the internal
temperature of the freezer.
Indicator lights mean the following:
2 - green LED – shows that the appliance is supplied with electric energy.
3 - red LED – lights if the temperature in the freezer is too high. The LED will
operate 45 minutes after putting into operation of the freezer, then it must go off. If
the LED comes on during the operation, this may mean that a defect has occured.
4 - orange LED - fast freeze function activated - by setting the knob to Superfreeze
position the orange LED goes on, showing that the appliance entered into the "fast
freeze" mode. The exit of this mode is done automatically after 50 hours then the
appliance runs in economic mode, and the orange LED goes off.