31/35 EN
Refrgerator / User Manual
6 Mantenance and cleanng
Service life of the product is increase if it
is regularly cleaned
WARNING: Frst unplug the product
before cleanng your refrgerator.
Never use any sharp and abrasve
tools, soap, household cleaners,
detergent and wax polsh for cleanng.
Dssolve one teaspoon of carbonate
n half lter of water. Soak a cloth wth
the soluton and wrung t thoroughly.
Wpe the nteror of the applance wth
ths cloth and the dry thoroughly.
Make sure that no water enters the
lamp housng and other electrcal
Clean the door wth a damp cloth.
To remove door and body shelves,
remove all of ts contents. Remove
door shelves by movng them
upwards. After cleanng, slde them
from top to bottom to nstall.
Never use cleanng agents or water
that contan chlorne to clean the
outer surfaces and chromum coated
parts of the product. Chlorne causes
corroson on such metal surfaces.
6.1. Avoiding bad odors
Materials that may cause odor are not
used in the production of our appliances.
However, due to inappropriate food
preserving conditions and not cleaning
the inner surface of the appliance as
required can bring forth the problem of
Therefore, clean the refrigerator wth
carbonate dssolved n water every 15
Keep the food n closed contaners.
Mcroorgansms spreadng out from
uncovered contaners can cause
unpleasant odors.
Never keep the food that have expred
best before dates and spoled n the
6.2. Protecting the
plastic surfaces
Clean with arm water immediately as the
oil may cause damage on the surface
when it is poured on plastic surfaces.
6.3. Door Glasses
Remove the protective foil on the
There is a coating on the surface of
the glasses.This coating minimizes the
stain build-up and helps to remove the
possible stains and dirt easily.Glasses
that are not protected with such a
coating may be subject to persistent
binding of air or water based organic or
inorganic dirt such as limescale, mineral
salts, unburned hydrocarbons, metal
oxides and silicones that can easily and
quickly cause stains or material damage.
Keeping the glass clean becomes too
difficult despite the regular cleaning.
Consequently, the appearance and the
transparency of the glass deteriorates.
Harsh and corrosive cleaning methods
and compounds will intensify these
defects and speed up the deterioration
Water-based cleaning products that are
not alkaline and corrosive must be used
for regular cleaning purposes.
Non-alkaline and non-corrosive materials
must be used for cleaning so that the
service life of this coating lasts for a long