Belkin Connected Equipment Warranty
This warranty is valid only for the original purchaser of the product. All
damage claims against the product must be made within 15 days from
the date of the Occurrence and must be accompanied by a receipt for
the damaged equipment or the warranty is void. Warranty is valid in USA,
Canada, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. To file a claim against the Belkin
Connected Equipment Warranty, you must take the following steps: Contact
Belkin online at www.belkin.com and print our claim form or write to us at:
Belkin International, Inc., 501 W. Walnut St., Compton CA 90220
Attn: Technical Support, or call (310) 898-1100, extension 2263, within 15
days of the Occurrence. Be prepared to provide the following information:
a. The part number of the Belkin PureAV Battery Backup.
b. The equipment that was connected to the Belkin PureAV Battery
Backup at the time of the Occurrence.
c. The equipment that was damaged during the Occurrence and the
extent of the damage.
d. The date of the Occurrence.
e. Where you purchased the Belkin PureAV Battery Backup.
f. When you purchased the Belkin PureAV Battery Backup.
g. Copy of original receipt.
h. Your Belkin Customer Service Representative will then instruct you
on how to forward your equipment, receipt, Belkin PureAV Battery
Backup in use during the “Occurrence” and how to proceed with
your claim.
Please conveniently register your Belkin PureAV Battery Backup online on
our website at www.belkin.com.
Belkin International, Inc. • 501 West Walnut Street • Compton • CA • 90220
Tel: 310.898.1100 • Fax: 310.898.1111
Belkin PureAV Battery Backup