Belkin PureAV Hybrid AVU1500 UPS
IR Blaster
My AVU1500’s IR Blaster feature does not seem to be working
properly. My target device is not responding.
Possible causes:
• Ensure the IR Blaster cable is properly connected to your AVU1500.
• The IR Blaster cable may not be properly aimed at the target
device to which it is trying to communicate. Try repositioning the
transmitter end of this cable to better aim at the target device
(e.g., TV).
• If either of the first two possibilities does not correct the problem,
try reprogramming the IR code in the event the wrong IR code
was “taught” to the AVU1500, or a code was not “learned.” For
programming directions, see “Step 5 – Program” on page 30.
During a power outage when my system is going through a shutdown
sequence, my IR Blaster seems to be turning on my target device
instead of turning it off.
Possible causes:
• Your AVU1500 is probably not IR Blasting a “discrete” code. It is
important to teach the AVU1500 a discrete code (e.g., “On” or
“Off”), not the type of code that toggles (e.g., “Power”). The remote
control for your target device should have separate “ON” and “OFF”
buttons. Each of these buttons sends a unique and discrete
code/signal. A generic “Power” button sends a code that simply
changes the device from its current status to the opposite:
On ¬ Off or Off ¬ On. If your device were off, then IR Blasting a
“power” signal will cause your device to turn on! This is exactly
the opposite behavior we want during a power outage shutdown
• Try reprogramming the IR Blaster to learn a discrete “Off”
code/signal. If your device does not have a discrete code, you may
want to consider not using this IR Blasting feature.
For all other technical questions or troubleshooting issues, please
contact Belkin Customer Service at 800-223-5546.