The Search Screen
The “Search” screen (see Fig. 17, “Search Screen”) allows you to search for devices and assign
them to device groups. To open the “Search” screen, tap “Search” at the bottom of the main
window. The Adapter Card will automatically begin searching for
devices. When it
finishes searching, the screen will display a device list.
Device List
Presented in tabular format, the “Device List” displays devices
found during the search. The list can be sorted by either “Device
Name” or “Type” by tapping the respective header.
1. Device Name is presented on the left.
2. Device Type is presented on the right.
3. A check box is provided to allow selection of individual or
multiple devices for saving to groups.
4. The “New” column will be marked with an asterisk “*” if the
found device is not already located in your database.
Fig. 17—Search Screen