
Keyboard/Mouse Settings
The RIPC supports different keyboard and mouse models. The panel
shown in the Keyboard/Mouse Settings Menu is used to adjust settings
(see table below).
Keyboard/Mouse Options Table
Control Description
Targeted KVM Port Selects the KVM port to which the settings made below
will be applied. Choosing “Update” will display the
current values for this port and select it for alteration
of its settings.
Keyboard Model Selects the keyboard model used on the remote
host system.
Mouse Mode Automatic uses the automatic mouse
synchronization process;
1: n enacts direct scaling of mouse movements
between the local and the remote pointer, so you can
move the mouse even if it’s not entirely synchronous.
Reset Mouse/ This option will reset the RIPC’s keyboard and
Keyboard Emulation mouse emulation for the host system. Use it if the
keyboard or mouse seem to react irrationally. It’s just
like pulling out the keyboard and mouse connectors
and plugging them in again.
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