
Product Overview
Console Server Features
• In-bandandout-of-bandmanagement
Console port management solutions offer remote, reliable, and secure access to serial-
console ports through in-band networks and out-of-band connectivity options, such as
serial terminal access and dial-up modem.
• Managenetworkdevices/serverscentrally,remotely,andsecurely
Reliable console-port management solutions allow you to encrypt sensitive data using
proven protocols such as SSH/v2, SSL.
• Diversedevicesmanagement
Simple ASCII or VT-100 terminal emulation is not sufficient to manage these wide-
ranging device types. Today’s data centers contain a broad mix of UNIX
, Linux
mainframe, and Windows
servers, as well as other serially managed devices such as
router, gateway, firewall, PBX, UPS, SAN, and NAS devices, and intelligent power strips.
• Proactivemonitoringandwarningtoassistsystemdiagnosis
Applications, and even operating systems, send messages to the system console.
These messages contain error and panic information that often precedes a system
crash. Unlike terminal servers, console-port servers buffer these messages in real time
and allow administrators to page through and search this data at a later time; they also
spontaneously send an email to alert IT administrator of the critical event.
• Remoteandsecurepowercontroller
Via serial port, this device acts as control master for controlling power strips. It can
control multiple power strips (up to 15).
• Providesserial-to-serialfunction
This allows the device to incorporate with a terminal converter to provide VGA and
keyboard ports locally, or connect the VGA/keyboard ports to a KVM switch to
consolidate the administration.
• Accessportlistsforusers
Thanks to the Access Control List (ACL) of user account administration, all users except
admin accounts, are authorized a set of serial ports. Users can access and make
configuration changes to those authorized serial ports assigned by an admin account.