Software installation: MS-DOS
To switch port, simply click on the port letter of your choice, and your
computer will be connected to the device on the port chosen.
Software-Installation: MS-DOS
Enter the following at the DOS prompt and press ENTER:
Copy a:\dos\swport.com c:\SWPORT.com
SWPORT.com is a command-line executable. Please follow the syntax for
proper operation:
File Transfer in DOS and WINDOWS
The file transfer feature of the Bitronics switch allows both computers to
connect a if there was a file transfer cable connected between them.
The LED of the corresponding computer port on the Bitronics switch will
turn green. This LED represents the computer you are on now, and is set for
file transfer mode.
The LED of the corresponding computer port on the Bitronics switch will
turn green. This LED represents the computer you are on now is set for file
transfer mode. Note that PC1 can only file transfer to PC2, and PC3 can
only file transfer to PC4. When both sets of PC LEDs on the Bitronics switch
are green, then the computers are ready for file transfer. At this point, the
cables and the Bitronics switch act as if it was a file transfer cable. You can
now run programs such as Windows‚ Direct Cable Connection, or LapLink
Please refer to their user manuals or websites for information on how to
configure their software. Just remember that your Bitronics switch setup
mimics the file transfer cable requirement.