Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Belkin Hi-Speed
USB 2.0 4-Port Drive Bay Hub (the Hub). The Hub provides four
downstream USB ports that are compatible with Hi-Speed USB 2.0
devices as well as with low- and full-speed USB 1.1 devices.
This means that the Hub is backward-compatible with all of your
current USB 1.1 peripherals while it enables the ultrafast performance
levels of next-generation USB 2.0 devices, including scanners,
printers, mass storage devices, and high-resolution cameras. The Hub
is self-powered, allowing for the cascading of devices with additional
hubs, so that you can connect up to 127 USB devices to a single port.
The Hub provides a multicolored status LED for each individual port,
and a master power LED. For additional information, refer to the
“Technical Specifications” section.
Fig. 1