Enhanced Wireless Router
SECTIONSTable of Contents 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 105
1. Host Name (1)
This space is provided to enter a host name that needs to be visible
to your ISP� Enter your host name here and click “Apply Changes” (3)�
If your ISP did not assign you a host name, or you are not sure, leave
this blank�
Setting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) Connection Type to Dynamic IP
A dynamic connection type is the most common connection type found with cable modems� Setting the connection type to “dynamic” in many cases
is enough to complete the connection to your ISP� Some dynamic connection types may require a host name� You can enter your host name in the
space provided if you were assigned one� Your host name is assigned by your ISP� Some dynamic connections may require that you clone the MAC
address of the PC that was originally connected to the modem�
2. Change WAN MAC Address (2)
If your ISP requires a specific MAC address to connect to the service,
you can enter a specific MAC address or clone the current computer’s
MAC address through this link�