2-4 Configuration via Serial Interface Installation
To configure the RIPM via serial interface, a null modem cable is required
(provided). Connect the null modem cable to the “Serial 01” port on the RIPM
and the other end to the serial port on the computer. The serial interface needs
to be adjusted with the parameters as shown below:
Parameter Value
Bits/second 115200
Data bits 8
Parity no
Stop bits 1
Flow control none
Use a terminal software program (e.g., HyperTerminal) to connect to the RIPM.
Reset the RIPM and immediately press the “ESC” key. You will see a “=>”
prompt. Enter the command “config” and press the “ENTER” key. You will be
asked to adjust the IP auto configuration, the IP address, the net mask, and the
default gateway. Pressing the “ENTER” key without entering values does not
change settings. The gateway value has to be set to “” (for no gateway)
or any other value for the IP address of the gateway. After the confirmation, the
RIPM performs a reset using the new values as set before.