Positioning your projector
Installation for a 4:3 ratio screen
The screen aspect ratio is 4:3 and the projected picture is 16:9
The above numbers are approximate and may be slightly different from the actual measurements. Only the
recommended screen sizes are listed. If your screen size is not in the table above, please contact your dealer
for assistance.
Ceiling Installation
<F>: Screen <G>: Center of lens
Screen dimensions Projection distance <D> [mm] Lowest/
Min distance
(with max
Max distance
(with min
50 (1270) 762 1016 1330 1463 1596 49 572
60 (1524) 914 1219 1596 1756 1916
58 686
70 (1778) 1067 1422 1862 2049 2235
68 800
80 (2032) 1219 1626 2128 2341 2554
78 914
90 (2286) 1372 1829 2394 2634 2873
87 1029
100 (2540) 1524 2032 2661 2927 3193
97 1143
110 (2794) 1676 2235 2927 3219 3512
107 1257
120 (3048) 1829 2438 3193 3512 3831
117 1372
130 (3302) 1981 2642 3459 3805 4150
126 1486
140 (3556) 2134 2845 3725 4097 4470
136 1600
150 (3810) 2286 3048 3991 4390 4789
146 1715
160 (4064) 2438 3251 4257 4683 5108
155 1829
170 (4318) 2591 3454 4523 4975 5427
165 1943
180 (4572) 2743 3658 4789 5268 5747
175 2057
190 (4826) 2896 3861 5055 5560 6066
185 2172
200 (5080) 3048 4064 5321 5853 6385
194 2286
210 (5334) 3200 4267 5587 6146 6705
204 2400
220 (5588) 3353 4470 5853 6438 7024
214 2515
230 (5842) 3505 4674 6119 6731 7343
223 2629
240 (6096) 3658 4877 6385 7024 7662
233 2743
250 (6350) 3810 5080 6651 7316 7982
243 2858
260 (6604) 3962 5283 6917 7609 8301
253 2972
270 (6858) 4115 5486 7183 7902 8620
262 3086
280 (7112) 4267 5690 7449 8194 8939
272 3200
290 (7366) 4420 5893 7715 8487 9259
282 3315
300 (7620) 4572 6096 7982 8780 9578
291 3429