©2011 BERNINA of America, Inc. jpl Page 7 of 10
Click on the Write to Machine icon and send the
design to a USB stick or your embroidery sys-
Monkeys Chasing Tails
(14” x 20” moss yellow fabric; bind with bias color 2)
Open design
BC01402 — the
small monkey.
Right click on the
Show Hoops icon.
Select Jumbo Hoop
#26 and place a check in the box next to Display
Hoops. Click OK.
Note: If you do not have an 830 with the Jumbo
Hoop, continue to work in the Large Oval Hoop.
The design will be too large to stitch in one hoop-
ing, so you will need to reposition the designs to
fit, or use the Multi-Hooping feature of BERNINA
Embroidery Software 6.
Click View > Zoom Out 2x.
Select the monkey and click the Wreath icon.
Change the number in the box to 5.
Move the mouse without clicking until the tail of
one monkey is near the cheek of the following
monkey. Click the mouse when you are satisfied
with the placement.
Press “C” on the computer keyboard to view the
design in the center of the workspace.
Save the design as Monkeys Chasing
Click on the Write to Machine icon and send
the design to a USB stick or your embroidery
Monkey Sitting on Turtle
(10” x 14” green fabric; bind with bias color 1)
Open design
BC01414 — the
monkey and turtle
Right click on the
Show Hoops icon.
Select the artista
255 x 145 Oval Hoop
from the drop down
menu and place a
check in the box next to Display Hoops. Click OK.
Select File > Insert Design and select design
BC01419 — the plant. Move it to the right of the
monkey and turtle design. Visually align the lower
edges of the two designs.
Select File > Insert Design and select design
BC01410 — the sun. Move it between, and
slightly higher than, the monkey and the plant.
Click the Show All icon to see the entire design.
Save the design as Monkey Sitting on Turtle
Click on the Write to Machine icon and send the
design to a USB stick or your embroidery system.
Stork & Turtle
(10” x 14” ivory fabric; bind with bias color 2)
Open design
BC01427 — the
Select File > Insert
Design and select
design BC01424 —
the stork. Move it to
place its feet on the
turtle’s back.
Click the Remove Overlaps icon.
Save the design as Stork and Turtle.ART.
Planning the Circles in BERNINA Embroidery Software 6
Visit www.berninausa.com
for additional BERNINA projects,
product information, and promotions!