5.9 Record Retention. Dealer(s) shall retain the following records for at least 3 years:
(1) Name and address of the purchaser of each aerial platform by serial number and the
date of delivery (2) Records of the person(s) trained upon each delivery of an aerial
platform (3) Records of the predelivery preparation performed prior to each delivery.
5.10 Modifications. Modifications or alterations of aerial platforms shall be made only
with prior written permission of the manufacturer.
5.11 Manufacturer's Safety Bulletins. The dealer shall comply with safety-related
bulletins as received from the manufacturer.
6. Responsibilities of Owners
6.1 Basic Principles. Sound principles of safety, training, inspection, maintenance,
application, and operation consistent with all data available regarding the parameters of
intended use and expected environment shall be applied in the performance of the
responsibilities of owners with due consideration of knowledge that the unit will be
carrying personnel.
6.2 Manuals. Owners shall keep and maintain copy(ies) of the operating and
maintenance manual(s) required in 4.17 of this standard. Copy(ies) of operating
manual(s) shall be provided upon each rental or lease delivery. Copy(ies) of operating
and maintenance manuals(s) shall be provided upon each sale delivery. The operating
manual(s) shall be stored in the location required in 4.18 of this standard. These
manual(s) are considered an integral part of the aerial platform and are vital to
communicate necessary safety information to users and operators.
6.3 Maintenance. The owner of an aerial platform shall arrange that the maintenance
specified in this standard is properly performed on a timely basis. The owner shall
establish a preventive maintenance program in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and based on the environment and severity of use of the aerial
platform. The owner shall arrange that frequent and annual inspections are performed.
All malfunctions and problems noted shall be corrected before the aerial platform is
returned to service.
6.4 Frequent Inspection. The owner of an aerial platform shall cause a frequent
inspection to be performed on an aerial platform: (1) That has been in service for 3
months or 150 hours, whichever comes first (2) That has been out of service for a period
longer than 3 months.
The inspection shall be made by a person qualified as a mechanic on the specific make
and model of the aerial platform. The inspection shall include all items specified by the
manufacturer for a frequent inspection and shall include, but not be limited to, the
following: (3) All functions and their controls for speed(s), smoothness, and limits of
motion (4) Emergency lowering means (5) All chain and cable mechanisms for
adjustment and worn or damaged parts (6) All emergency and safety devices (7)
Lubrication of all moving parts, inspection of filter element(s), hydraulic oil, engine oil,
and coolant, as specified by the manufacturer (8) Visual inspection of structural
components and other critical components, such as fasteners, pins, shafts, and locking
devices (9) Placards, warnings, and control markings (10) Items specified by the
manufacturer (11) Correction of all malfunctions and problems identified and further
inspection, if necessary.
6.5 Annual Inspection. The owner of an aerial platform shall cause an annual
inspection to be performed on the aerial platform no later than 13 months from the date
of the prior annual inspection. The inspection shall be made by a person qualified as a
mechanic on the specific make and model of the aerial platform. The inspection shall
include all items specified by the manufacturer for an annual inspection.