CHAPTER 14: Setting Up SSL Encryption
14. Setting Up SSL Encryption
This section describes the procedure for setting up a secure connection via an https
web connection to the Outlet Managed PDU.
SSL parameters cannot be defined via the Web Browser Interface.
In order to set up SSL encryption, you must contact the Outlet
Managed PDU via the Text Interface.
There are two different types of https security certicates: "Self Signed" certicates
and "Signed" certicates.
Self Signed certicates can be created by the Outlet Managed PDU, without the need
to go to an outside service, and there is no need to set up your domain name server
to recognize the Outlet Managed PDU. The principal disadvantage of Self Signed
certicates, is that when you access the Outlet Managed PDU command mode via
the Web Browser Interface, the browser will display a message which warns that
the connection might be unsafe. Note however, that even though this message
is displayed, communication will still be encrypted, and the message is merely a
warning that the Outlet Managed PDU is not recognized and that you may not be
connecting to the site that you intended.
Signed certicates must be created via an outside security service (e.g., VeriSign®,
Thawte™, etc.) and then uploaded to the Outlet Managed PDU to verify the user's
identity. In order to use Signed certicates, you must contact an appropriate security
service and set up your domain name server to recognize the name that you will
assign to the Outlet Managed PDU (e.g., service.yourcompany.com.) Once a signed
certicate has been created and uploaded to the Outlet Managed PDU, you will
then be able to access command mode without seeing the warning message that is
normally displayed for Self Signed certicate access.