6.2.3. Modifying Scheduled Reboots
After you have dened a Scheduled Reboot, you can edit the conguration of the
Reboot action using the Modify Scheduled Reboot feature. In order to modify the
conguration of an existing Scheduled Reboot action, you must access the command
mode using a password that allows Administrator level commands and then use the
Scheduled Reboot menu’s "View/Modify Scheduled Reboot" function.
The Outlet Managed PDU will display a screen which allows you to modify
parameters for the selected Scheduled Reboot action. Note that this screen functions
identically to the Add Scheduled Reboot menu, as discussed in Section 6.2.1.
6.2.4. Deleting Scheduled Reboots
After you have dened one or more Scheduled Reboot actions, you can delete
Reboot actions that are no longer needed using the Delete Scheduled Reboot feature.
In order to delete an existing Scheduled Reboot, access the command mode using
a password that allows Administrator level commands and then use the Scheduled
Reboot menu’s "Delete Scheduled Reboot" function.