The Brightness menu opens.
Slide the Set custom backlight value
for daylight controller along the bar to
adjust the brightness for day mode.
Slide the Set custom backlight value at
night controller along the bar to adjust
the brightness for night mode.
Smart Zoom
You can use the Smart Zoom menu to:
Activate/deactivate automatic zoom
Activate/deactivate overview mode
Reactivate position location
The Smart Zoom function enables the
Lucca to optimally adapt the map’s scale to
the relevant drive situations encountered
during route guidance. When closing in on
a place requiring a manoeuvre, Lucca will,
for example, zoom in on the map and raise
the map’s angle to enable you to get an ideal
view of, e.g. the next junction. If the place
associated with the next manoeuvre is still
some distance away, Lucca will zoom out of
the map and lower its angle to enable you to
get an ideal view of the road ahead.
Press the Smart Zoom button in
the Advanced Settings menu
The Smart Zoom menu opens.
Press the Smart Zoom button to activate
(tick) or deactivate (no tick) the Smart
Slide the Zoom-in limit controller along
the bar to select the maximum size to
which the map can be enlarged.
Slide the Zoom-out limit controller along
the bar to select the maximum size to
which the map can be minimised.
In Overview mode, the map will be shown
in two dimensions. It will be minimised and
oriented to North. This enables you to clearly
see your location on the map, e.g. during
long journeys travelling on the motorway.
You can also select the map view to
automatically switch to overview mode:
Press Enable Overview Mode to activate
(tick) or deactivate (no tick) this
You can also select for Overview mode to be
switched off again before a manoeuvre. In
this case, the map will be zoomed in again
just before a manoeuvre, such as turning off
at a junction:
Slide the Route event distance for
Overview mode controller along the bar
to select the distance before a manoeuvre
at which Overview mode is turned off.
This is the distance at which Overview
mode will now be turned off.
Slide the Overview zoom level controller
along the bar to select the zoom for the
overview map.
When the map is moved, your position on
the map will be located and locked. You
can use the restore Position Lock function
to make the map switch automatically back
to showing your current position after a
certain period of time:
Press the Restore Lock-to-Position to
activate (tick) or deactivate (no tick) this
If you use the Reactivate Smart Zoom
function, Lucca will automatically reactivate
Smart Zoom after you have zoomed in or
moved the map:
Press the Restore Smart Zoom button to
activate (tick) or deactivate (no tick) this
You can also select a time period for the
reactivation of the Position Lock and Smart
Zoom function:
Slide the Delay before restoring button
along the bar to select the time period
for reactivation.
Route settings
You can use the Route Settings menu to
activate/deactivate cross-border route
Basic settings
Lucca3_3RU_long_GB.indd 36Lucca3_3RU_long_GB.indd 36 11.07.2007 16:51:13 Uhr11.07.2007 16:51:13 Uhr