Ejecting a CD
➮ Press the button 2.
The flip-release panel opens out to-
wards you.
➮ Press the eject button A next to
the CD compartment.
The CD is ejected.
➮ Remove the CD and close the con-
trol panel.
● If a CD is ejected, the drive will au-
tomatically draw it back in again af-
ter 10 seconds.
● You can also eject CDs whilst the
device is switched off or whilst an-
other audio source is activated.
MP3 mode
You can also use this car sound sys-
tem to play CD-Rs and CD-RWs that
contain MP3 music files.
MP3 is a process developed by the
Fraunhofer Institute for compressing CD
audio data. Compression allows data to
be reduced to around 10% of their orig-
inal size without a noticeable loss in
quality (at a bit rate of 128 kbit/s). If a
lower bit rate is used to convert CD au-
dio data to MP3, you will be able to cre-
ate smaller files but this will be accom-
panied by a loss in audio quality.
Preparing an MP3-CD
The various combinations of CD burn-
ers, CD burning software and CD blanks
may lead to problems arising with the
device’s ability to play certain CDs. If
problems occur with your own burned
CDs, you should try another brand of
CD blank or choose another colour of
CD blank. To avoid problems when play-
ing CDs, you should not burn CDs at
speeds greater than 16-speed.
The format of the CD must be ISO 9660
Level 1 / Level 2 or Joliet. Other formats
cannot be played reliably.
You can create a maximum of 253 di-
rectories on a CD. You can use this de-
vice to access each of these directo-
Regardless of the number of directories
on the CD, the device can handle up to
65,535 MP3 files on a single CD - even
if they are all stored in one directory.