them later. The devices plays back the fi les
in the order in which they were physically
stored on the data carrier.
To play back fi les in this device, the MP3 fi les
must have the fi le extension ".MP3" and the
WMA fi les the fi le extension ".WMA".
To ensure uninterrupted playback:
Do not try changing the fi le extension
to ".MP3" of any fi les other than MP3
fi les and then attempt to play them!
The device will ignore these invalid
fi les during playback.
Do not use "mixed" CDs containing
both non-MP3 data and MP3 tracks
(the device only reads MP3 fi les dur-
ing MP3 playback).
Do not use mix-mode CDs containing
both CD-audio tracks and MP3 tracks.
If you try playing a mix-mode CD, the
device will only play the CD-audio
MP3 ID3 tags
MP3 tracks can contain additional infor-
mation such as the artist, album and track
name (ID3 tags). This device can display
ID3 tags of version 1 and 2.
Switching to MP3 mode
MP3 mode is activated in the same way as
normal CD mode. For further information,
please read the section entitled "Switching
to CD mode" in the "CD mode" chapter.
Confi guring the display
The following settings require that an MP3
CD is in the device.
Confi guring the default display
You can display various types of informa-
tion on the current track:
Directory number and track number
Directory number and time "DIR-CLK"
Directory number and playing time
Track number and playing time "TRCK-
Track number and time "TRCK-CLK"
After the MP3 scrolling text was
scrolled once after a track change, the
information is permanently shown on
the display.
To switch between the different display op-
press the DIS button : once or sev-
eral times until the desired display ap-
Confi guring the MP3 scrolling texts
One of the following scrolling texts is
shown once on the display with every track
change. Afterwards, the confi gured stand-
ard display is shown.
The available scrolling texts are:
Directory name ("DIR NAME")
Name of the track ("SONG NAME")
Name of the album ("
Name of the artist ("ARTIST")
MP3/WMA mode
02_SevillaMP38_gb.indd 5502_SevillaMP38_gb.indd 55 02.11.2007 8:50:20 Uhr02.11.2007 8:50:20 Uhr