To select, alter, send message.
/ to select a message. After
you press OK, two lines of the mes-
sage will appear in the display.
Press << / >> to read the text and
make any alterations if required.
• Press OK.
“Store?” will appear in the display.
• Press
/ to select “Send?”, “De-
lete?” or “Store?” and press OK.
Network selection
In areas which are served by more than one
network (e.g. in foreign countries), it is pos-
sible to select the network you wish to use.
• Press
/ to select “Network selec-
tion” and press OK.
• Press / to select from the available
networks and press OK.
“Available networks”
– After a short waiting period, the availa-
ble networks will appear in the display.
The first line indicates the position
and network operator code.
The second line displays the name of
the network operator.
means that the SIM card currently in
use will operate the telephone to make
calls in this network.
/ to select other networks
and press OK to confirm your selec-
tion. “Register now?” will appear in the
display. Abort by pressing CL, confirm
by pressing OK.
“Search method”
– It is possible to select an automatic or
manual search (for network selection).
Automatic search:
The home network is always the first
choice. If you are located in an area
which is not served by your home net-
work, the telephone will automatically
register with the next available net-
work. The networks will be selected
according to their priority in the net-
works list.
Manual search:
The sorted list of network operators
will be displayed in this mode.
Switch to the search mode by pressing
<< / >>, confirm by pressing OK.
An arrow will indicate the current con-
The antenna symbol indicates which
network the telephone is registered in.
– Connected to home network
– Connected to a different network
If the antenna symbol is flashing, you
do not have access privileges to the
network currently connected. You can
place emergency calls only.
Programming with DSC Telephone – Call menu