Ref. Part
No. No. Description
2 M9628 Belt, Wire S/S 32" (Complete)
(Total Length 13.5 FT)
21926 Belt, Wire S/S 32" SB (Per Foot)
(Total Length13.5 FT)
23112 Belt, Wire S/S 15.75" TB (Per Foot)
(Total Length 13.5 FT)
12 M4132 Tensioner Assy., Qty 2
(only for single belt non-folding belts)
M2389 Spring, Belt Tensioner, Qty 2
(only for folding belts)
M6763 Tensioner Sleeve Assy, Qty 2
(only fior folding belts)
M9907 Pin, cotterless hitch (to locate conveyor)
Before 12/01/99 or S.N. 120199BQ001S/
M10109 Pin, spring loaded (to locate conveyor)
After 12/01/99 or S.N. 120199BQ001S/
21152 Drive Chain
M0112 Masterlink (for Drive Chain)
M10155 Chain Guard Replacement Kit, SB
(Replaces M9701/M9702)
NOTE: TB Ovens use M8890 Access Panel Assy
for ChainGuard Replacements.
32 ; M9658 Motor, Conveyor Drive
33 ; M9659 Control, Drive Motor
M0122 Bushing, Conveyor Drive, Qty 4
; M0110 Sprocket, Conveyor Drive, 15 tooth (Qty 1)
M1865 Sprocket, Motor Drive, 15 tooth
(Qty 1 SB) (Qty 2 TB)
; M0108 Sprocket, Conveyor Belt (Qty 14)
M9679 Bracket, Motor Mount (Qty 1)
M9689 Bracket, Motor Mount (TB)
5 M8811 Support Angle, Conveyor (2 per oven)
3 M9583 Conveyor Assy, Drive SB
4 M9584 Conveyor Assy, Idle SB
M7438 Conveyor Shaft, Idle SB
M10017 Rack Assy, Conveyor, Drive Side TB
M10018 Rack Assy, Conveyor, Idle Side TB
1 M8871 Conveyor Assy, Folding SB
M10015 Conveyor Assy, Folding, TB
Ref. Part
No. No. Description
M9748 Burner Assy., Complete
34 ; M10279 Ignition Control Board, Programmable
31 M10165 Pressure Switch Kit
NOTE: The M10165 is mounted on the M10279,
Ignition Control and M10048, Interface Board.
Do not purchase M10165 ifyou are purchasing
M10279 or M10278.
M8835 Flame Tube Support Assy, outer
86 ; M9887 Combustion Blower & Motor Assy
Ref. Part
No. No. Description
; M10182 Pilot Burner & Ignitor Assy, Nat
; M10184 Pilot Burner & Ignitor Assy, LP
; M0415 Flame Sensor Probe
; M2690 Orifice, Pilot LP
; M0697 Orifice, Pilot Nat
M4371 Orifice, Main Burner LP
M4370 Orifice, Main Burner Nat
; M8999 Gas Valve, Nat
See Note Gas Valve, LP
NOTE: For LP gas order M8999 & M5292
; M5291 Conversion Kit, LP to Nat
; M5292 Conversion Kit, Nat to LP
M8919 Flame Tube Assy
M9674 Elbow, 1/2", 45ยบ, black iron
; M9705 Pressure Tubing, polyurethane (30")
M0248 Pilot Tubing, .79'
21225 Elbow, 1/4T x 1/8 npt (goes on valve)
M8924 Plate, Block Off (Gas Pipe Slot)
Ref. Part
No. No. Description
43 ; M5419 Motor, Blower CCW
38 ; M9052 Motor, Blower CW
18 ; M9829 Probe, RTD, 2" blower compartment
M10201 Insulation Kit, Blower Housing
7 M8862 Nozzle Assy, Aluminum
(1 hole in back) 4 per oven
8 M8863 Nozzle Assy, Aluminum
(2 holes in back) 4 per oven
7 M9727 Nozzle Assy, S/S
(1 hole in back) 4 per oven
8 M9728 Nozzle Assy, S/S
(2 holes in back) 4 per oven
22 M8849 Support Bar, Nozzles, Aluminum
22 M9735 Support Bar, Nozzles, S/S
21 M9724 Air Plate, Aluminum
21 M9730 Air Plate, S/S
20 M9654 Block Off Strips, Aluminum
20 M9731 Block Off Strips, S/S
JUNE 26, 2001 4 SG3240 E & G