Seated Tricep Extension
1. Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.
2. Attach Triceps Strap to middle pulley cable.
3. Sit on seat pad, facing away from the machine. Reach behind your head and grasp
the Triceps Strap.
4. Bend a
t the waist so that your torso is at an approximate 45
angle. Keep your
hands behind your head and your arms bent with your elbows facing forward.
5. Keeping your upper arms motionless, use Triceps strength to move the Triceps Strap
forward and upward in an arcing motion until your arms are fully extended.
6. Pause f
or a moment, then slowly return the strap back along the same arc, to the
starting position. Repeat movement.
7. Exhale on exertion,
inhale on return motion.
1. Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.
2. Attach Stirrup Handle (optional) to low pulley cable.
3. Take an overhand grasp on the Stirrup Handle with your right hand. Stand
pproximately 1 to 2 feet back from the pulle
y with your feet at shoulder width. Bend
slightly at the waist. Keep your right upper arm locked against the side of your torso.
4. Use Biceps strength to curl the Handle forward and upward in a semicircular arc
toward your chest.
5. Pause for a moment, then slowly return the Handle back along the same arc, to the
starting position.
Repeat movement.
6. Exhale on exertion,
inhale on return motion.
7. Change hands and repeat with opposite arm.
Concentration Curl
1. Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.
2. Attach Low Row Bar to low pulley cable.
3. Take an underhand grasp on the Bar. Stand erect with your feet set at shoulder width,
approximately 1 to 2 feet a
way from pulley.Your arms should be down at your sides
with the Bar resting on your thighs.
4. Keeping your upper arms locked against the sides of your torso, use Biceps strength
to curl the Bar upward and forward in a semicircular arc to a position beneath
your chin.
5. Pause for a moment,
then slowly return the bar back along the same arc, to the
starting position. Repeat movement.
6. Exhale on exertion,
inhale on return motion.
Standing Cable Curl
1. Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.
2. Attach Low Row Bar to high pulley cable.
3. Stand erect with your feet shoulder width. Take an overhand grasp of the Low Row
Bar with your hands set 3 to 5 inches apart.
4. Pull the Bar down and lock your upper arms against the sides of your torso where
y must remain throughout the exercise. Lean slightly f
orward at the waist.
5. Moving only your forearms, use Triceps strength to press the Bar down in a
semicircular arc to a position below your waist.
6. Pause for a moment, then slowly return the Bar back along the same arc, to the
starting position. Repeat movement.
7. Exhale on exertion,
inhale on return motion.
Tricep Pressdown