14 en | Introduction AMC2 4W
F.01U.024.965 | V.4 | 2006.09 Installation manual Bosch Security Systems
Fig. 3.2 The AMC2 4W in a four door safety lock
The AMC2 4W can communicate upstream to the host com-
puter via eight RS-485 multi-dropped, RS-232 or 10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet. It has eight analog input devices and eight relay out-
puts. With its analog input devices, the AMC2 4W verifies, for
example, if a lock is closed or open. The relay outputs can be
used to activate lock mechanisms if access is granted, or acti-
vate an external alarm system if an intrusion or system alert is
detected. If the eight input and output on board are not enough
to configure the system up to three additional extensions
(AMC2 8I-8O-EXT or AMC2 16I-16O-EXT) can be connected. The
extensions offer 8 or 16 additional inputs and outputs.
The setup procedure for an AMC2 4W is very simple and
extremely fast by the use of door templates. Once selected, all
the inputs and outputs are predefined. This settings can be
changed using the Device Editor of the BIS Configuration
Browser in that way to choose every free contact of the
AMC2 4W or an connected extension.