Bosch Security Systems 09/06 BLCC110U
Solution 64 User Guide
Inputs > Commands >
Set Part 2 Zones
MENU 3-0-4
This menu allows you to program which zones are to be monitored
when an area has been turned Part 2 On.
Enter programming mode (PIN + MENU) then,
1. Enter [MENU] + [3] + [0] + [4].
A list of areas will display on the keypad.
2. Use the [
↑] and [↓] keys to select the area that you
want to program zones for Part 2 On, then press [OK].
Alternatively, you can enter the area number that you
want to program Part 2 On zones, then press [OK].
The keypad will list all zones that can be programmed for
Part 2 On. A ‘
’ displayed on the right side of the zone
name indicates that the zone is already bypassed.
Z001 Zone 1 Name
Z002 Zone 2 Name
Z003 Zone 3 Name
Press OK or MENU
3. Use the [
↑] and [↓] keys to select the zone that you want
to set for Part 2, then press [OK]. Alternatively, you can
enter the zone number that you want to set for Part 2,
then press [OK].
If the zone is not programmed for Part 2, the keypad will
Zone 1 Z001
Is not a PART2 Zone,
To Enable, Press ON.
To Go Back Press OK
If the zone is programmed for Part 2, the keypad will
Zone 1 Z001
Is a PART2 Zone,
To remove, Press OFF.
To Go Back Press OK
4. Press [ON] to monitor the zone when the area is turned
Part 2 On, or press [OFF] so that you do not monitor the
zone when the area is turned Part 2 On.
5. Press [OK] to save and exit, or press [MENU] to exit
without saving.
Inputs > Commands >
Smoke Sensor Reset
MENU 3-0-5
This menu allows you to reset smoke sensors.
Enter programming mode (PIN + MENU) then,
1. Enter [MENU] + [3] + [0] + [5].
A list of different areas will display on the keypad.
2. Use the [
↑] and [↓] keys to select the area that you want
to reset the smoke detectors, then press [OK] to select.
Alternatively, you can enter the area number, then press
The keypad will display the following:
Smoke detector reset in
Progress. Please wait
3. The keypad will automatically return to the menu when
all smoke detectors in the area has been reset.
Inputs > Zone Properties >
Zone Name
MENU 3-1-0
This menu allows you to program up to 16 characters for the
name of each zone.
Enter programming mode (PIN + MENU) then,
1. Enter [MENU] + [3] + [1] + [0].
A list of different zones will display on the keypad.
2. Use the [
↑] and [↓] keys to select the zone name that you
want to change, then press [OK] to select. Alternatively,
you can enter the zone number, then press [OK].
The keypad will display the following:
Zone Name Z001
Zone 1 Name
Press ◄► OK to SAVE
3. Use the [
←] and [→] keys to scroll the cursor left and
right across the zone name text. Use the [↑] and [↓] keys
to scroll through the different characters available. To
clear all text from the cursor position to the right, press
the [OFF] key.
4. Press [OK] to save and exit, or press [MENU] to exit
without saving.