
CC408 | Operators Guide | 24. Glossary of Terms EN | 20
Bosch Security Systems | 5/04 | 920050O.OG.112
24. Glossary of Terms
Table 15: Glossary of Terms
Term Description
24-Hour Zones A monitored input programmed to trigger an alarm condition when violated when
the system is armed or disarmed 24 hours a day.
Alarm Condition Your alarm system is armed and one of the detection devices is violated. A 24-hour
zone (such as a smoke detector) can activate an alarm condition when your system
arms or disarms.
Answering Machine
Answering machine bypass is incorporated. You can connect to the system for
remote arming operations when there is an answering machine or facsimile machine
on the same telephone line.
Armed The system is in a ready state to accept alarms.
Automatic Arming The system automatically arms at the same time every day in AWAY Mode or STAY
Mode 1.
Automatic Disarming The system automatically disarms at the same time every day.
AWAY Mode Used to arm your system when you leave your premises.
Codepad Arm/disarm the system and carry out other functions such as adding and deleting
system user codes.
Day Alarm Monitor a combination of zones while the system is disarmed.
Detectors Devices connected to your alarm system used to detect intrusion and cause an
alarm condition. Some forms of detection devices include Passive Infrared (PIR),
smoke detectors, photoelectric beams, reed switches, and vibration sensors.
Disarmed A state that does not accept alarms except on zones programmed for 24-hour
Dynamic Battery
Used to monitor and test the condition of your back-up battery.
Entry Time/
Entry Delay
The time allowed by a zone for disarming the system after entering your premises.
External Equipment Any device connected to your system such as detectors, codepads, and sirens.
Forced Arming A situation where your alarm system can be armed when one or more zones are
Handover Delay The system is armed and a zone programmed for delay was violated. The delay zone
hands over the remaining delay time to a zone programmed as handover. The
handover zone does not activate an alarm until the remaining delay time expires. A
handover zone acts as an instant zone if violated before the delay zone.
Hand Held Remote
Used to remotely operate your system by hand held transmitters.
Isolating Manually disable (isolate) one or more zones before arming the system.
Master Code A numeric code used to arm and disarm the system and to allow access to
functions such as adding and deleting user codes.
Monitoring Station A secure location where a digital receiver monitors numerous alarm systems and
deciphers their Alarm Transmission Reports. The operator can then advise the
appropriate authorities to take immediate action.
Panic Alarm Type of alarm that indicates to the monitoring station there is an emergency
situation at your premises.
Sealed Refers to zone status. If a zone is sealed, the detection device is not violated and
the zone indicator does not display on the codepad.
Sensor Watch The control panel can recognise that detection devices may have stopped working
or that the view to a PIR detector is blocked (unable to detect any movement over
the duration of the time programmed by your installer).