D268, D269 Operation and Installation
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D268, D269
The D268/269 Independent Zone Control Modules are accessory devices for use with Radionics control/
communicators. You can use the D268/D269 to arm and disarm a single 1k Ω zone of a D4112, D6112, or D8112
or single 1k Ω point of a D7112 or D9112 Control/Communicator panel. The D268/D269 features a user
programmable passcode and can initiate Opening/Closing reports by zone or point when the panel is programmed
for this response. You can install up to four D269 Keypads for each D268 Module with at least one D269 Keypad
being required. Entry and exit delay times provided by the D268 allow the D269 keypads to be located inside the
protected area. The operation of the D268 Module is not affected by tampering to the D269 Keypad.
D268 Module Loop Inputs
The D268 branches a single 1k Ω zone or point of the panel into two separate loops: one delayed and one instant.
You can wire sensors to the loops in series (normally closed) or in parallel (normally open). Install a Radionics
model D105BL 1k Ω end-of-line resistor, supplied with the module, beyond the last sensor of each loop to
provide supervision (see Figure 4).
Delayed Loop
Faulting the delayed loop while the D268/D269 Independent Zone Control is armed starts the entry delay time on
both loops. Allowing entry time to expire without disarming triggers an alarm even if both loops are restored. Exit
time is provided when arming.
Instant Loop
Faulting the instant loop while the D268/D269 is armed immediately causes an alarm. No entry time is provided
unless the delay loop is faulted first. Exit delay time is provided when arming.
Entry/Exit Delay
Both loops must be normal before you can arm the D268/D269. Entering the correct passcode provides 60
seconds of exit time before the unit arms. After arming, faulting the delay loop starts 30 seconds of entry time in
which the D268/D269 must be disarmed to prevent an alarm. Once entry and exit delay starts both loops are
The D268 resets automatically when both the delayed and instant loops are normal. However, when one loop is
faulted, the other cannot signal a new alarm to the panel. Restoral of the zone or point output is delayed three
seconds after both loops are restored.
Burglar Alarm Output
Opening or shorting either of the D268 loops while the zone control is armed causes the output to short the panel
zone or point for a minimum of three seconds. Each zone or point is supervised with a Radionics model 105BL
1k Ω end-of-line resistor.