
72 en | RPS Operation and Control Panel Account Notes RPS
4998141259 | 12 | 2011.10 Installation Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
Tamper conditions not bypassable (DS7240-UK only): Bypassing a zone from RPS only
bypasses the alarm condition. Tamper conditions cannot be bypassed.
Remote Programming Lockout (DS7240-UK and DS7200V2-UK only): After three invalid
attempts to connect to the control panel from RPS, the control panel locks out any
remote programming sessions for 4 h. Remote programming through the direct connect
method is still available.
SRT Modems (DS7240-NOR only): The SRT MiniBox and SRT ProBox 33.6 modems do
not work with the DS7240-NOR control panel even though they appear in the System
Config Modem tab.
7.2.3 D7024 and DS9400
Firmware Revision: To program the FACP using RPS, the FACP must have firmware
version 2.02 or later installed.
Firmware 2.04 Defaults: The default account values are intended for firmware 2.04. A
"Panel out of Sync" message appears if you connect to a control panel with firmware
version 2.03 or lower.
False Values/Blank Results Appear in Compare Window: If a four-zone expander is not
installed and "Receive Panel Data" is selected from the Panel Sync dialog, some of the
values for Zones 5 to 8 might not be retrieved correctly. If a four-zone expander is
installed, the values for Input Points 5 to 8 are retrieved correctly.
Gentex RNAC Option: The Gentex NAC output configuration is a valid NAC option on
control panels with firmware version 2.04 or later. If Gentex is selected and sent to a
control panel with firmware version 2.03 or lower, the NAC response is set to Steady.
Remote Program Enabled: If "Remote Program Enabled" is set to No, RPS still allows you
to receive data from the control panel; however, for security reasons, you cannot view
any of the PINs or change any program information.
"Panel out of Sync" Message with Defaulted DS9400M and RPS: The RPS default for
MUX Bus Type is "Not Installed," whereas the DS9400M's default is "Installed."
7.2.4 D8112
Panel Sync Window: D8112 Series Control Panels always show a Panel Sync dialog even
if the data in RPS matches the data in the control panel.
Importing Zone Notes from a RAM II Account (D8112G, G1, G2): Zone notes entered for
Zones 100+ do not appear with their appropriate zone when imported into RPS. Zone
notes must be manually entered into RPS. This is because RAM II does not account for
Master Zones in the Zones table.
7.2.5 D9112B1, D7212B1
Panel Sync Window Appears with Defaulted Panel and Account (D7212B1 only): The
Panel Sync dialog should only appear when there are programming differences between
the control panel and the RPS account; however, it might appear if you connect to a
defaulted control panel with a defaulted RPS account. Comparing the defaulted control
panel and RPS account yields no default differences.
ZOOM 2949 56Kx Zoom Fax Modem Answer Ring Setting: Set the control panel's
answer ring count to answer on less than eight rings when using the ZOOM 2949 56Kx
Zoom Fax Modem (version 34X).
Message Limitation (Keypad Tab): Even though you can send messages to each keypad's
(command center) address, only one message can be performed at a time.