D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Operation and Installation Guide | 11.0 Arming Devices
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 5/05 | F01U003641B 55
11.3 D268/D269 Independent Zone
Control, D279A Independent Zone
Any on-board or OctoPOPIT point can be
programmed so that the D268/D269 or D279A
Independent Zone Control operates as independent
point control (arming and disarming the point).
Refer to Point Assignments in the D7212GV2 Program
Entry Guide (P/N: F01U003636) for programming
information. Refer to the D268/D269 Operation and
Installation Instructions (P/N: 74-004758-000) or the
D279A Operation and Installation Instructions (P/N:
46458) for wiring and operation instructions.
11.4 Keyswitch
11.4.1 Description
A maintained or momentary contact arming station
(keyswitch) can be connected to master arm or disarm
any of the areas in the system. The keyswitch is
connected to an on-board or off-board point’s sensor
loop. Relays can be programmed to activate arming
status LEDs for keyswitch arming stations. Refer to
Relays in the D9412GV2/D7412GV2 Program Entry Guide
(P/N: F01U003636)
11.4.2 Programming
Refer to Point Assignments in the D9412GV2/D7412GV2
Program Entry Guide (P/N: F01U003636) for the correct
programming for points used for keyswitches.
11.4.3 Installation
For maintained switches, connect the EOL resistor for
the point at the keyswitch so that the switch opens the
circuit when it operates. A short on the circuit produces
an alarm if the area is armed and a trouble if it is
disarmed. Refer to Figure 25.
For momentary keyswitches, connect the EOL resistor
at the keyswitch point so that when the keyswitch
operates, it shorts the resistor. An open on the circuit
causes an alarm if the area is armed and a trouble if it
is disarmed. Refer to Figure 25.
Figure 25: Keyswitch Wiring
1 - Maintained keyswitch
2 - Momentary keyswitch
3 - Common
4 - Point input
5 - 1 k
or 33 k
6- Open on a circuit arms the area
7 - Short on a circuit toggles the arming state
Use 1 k
EOL resistors if using one of the zones on the control panel or an OctoPOPIT. Use a 33 k
resistor if using a POPIT.
Maintained Contact
If the point to which the keyswitch is connected is programmed for a maintained contact, an open on the arming
circuit arms the area. All faulted points are force armed, regardless of the entry in the FA Bypass Max program
item. Returning the circuit to normal disarms the area. Refer to Area Parameters and Point Assignments in the D7212
Program Entry Guide
(P/N: F01U003804)