D9412GV4/D7412GV4/D7212GV4 | Owner's Manual Supplement
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 9/11 | F01U245224-02 23
2. Press the [COMMAND] key. The display shows *System
3. Press [5] and [6]. Enter passcode if necessary.
4. At the USER KEYFOBS? prompt, press [ENT].
5. ENTER RFID appears. Press [ENT].
6. USER ###: KEYFOB appears scrolling with NOT ASSIGNED.
Press [ENT].
7. RFID: prompt appears. Enter the RFID number provided by
your security company. Press [ENT] when done.
8. PARAMETER SAVED appears, then USER ###: KEYFOB scrolling
with the RFID number.
On a D1260 Keypad
1. From the Add/Change Menu press the Keyfob softkey.
2. Configure RF Keyfob for this user? appears. Press the
Yes softkey.
3. Select the Enter Keyfob RFID softkey. Keyfob User (###)
RFID: Not Assigned appears.
4. Press the Edit softkey. The RFID: prompt appears.
5. Enter the RFID number provided by your security company.
Press the Save softkey when finished.
6. PARAMETER SAVED appears, then Keyfob User (###) RFID:
######## appears. Press the Exit softkey.
Enrolling a User Keyfob with Auto-learn
On a D1255 Keypad
1. At the USER KEYFOBS? prompt, press [ENT].
2. ENTER RFID appears. Press [NEXT] until ADD KEYFOB appears.
Press [ENT].
3. KEYFOB USER: ### appears scrolling with NOT ASSIGNED.
Press [ENT] to activate Auto-Learn mode.
4. ADDING (###) appears scrolling with RESET XMITTER. Press
the [RESET] button on the Keyfob.
5. If successful, KEYFOB ADDED appears. KEYFOB USER: ###
appears scrolling with AUTO-LEARNED. Press [ESC] to exit.
6. If not successful, an error message is displayed. KEYFOB USER:
### appears scrolling with NOT ASSIGNED. Press [ESC] to exit.