Networking Cards Connection | en 13
Bosch Security System, Inc. Installation Manual F.01U.214.374 | 01 | 2012.08
5 Connection
5.1 General considerations
A network group can be connected as Class A Style 7 or Class B Style 4. Class A configuration
is recommended because this allows the panels in a network to communicate with each
other, ensuring circuit operation in the event of a single break in the wiring.
The following table lists the trouble conditions that result when a fault exists on the network
(SLC according to UL 864).
Table 5.1 Network Trouble Conditions
5.2 Class A connections
In a Class A loop, the FPE-1000-NW Wired Networking Card must be wired accoring to the
following table:
All wiring except the battery terminal and primary AC power is power-limited. Phone lines are
also generally considered to be nonpower-limited.
Power-limited and nonpower-limited circuit wiring must remain separated in the cabinet by at
least 0.25 in. (64 mm) and must enter and exit from the cabinet through different knockouts
or conduits. Phone lines are generally considered to be nonpower-limited, so the cables for
networking cards should not be run through the same knockout as the phone lines.
Avoid shielded or twisted-pair wire except for special applications where a reduced length of
wiring (roughly 50%) is acceptable for tolerating a harsh electrical environment. Consider
fiber optics for these applications.
Type of Fault Class B Style 4 Class A Style 7
Single Open Trouble Alarm, Trouble
Single Ground Alarm, Trouble (ground) Alarm, Trouble (ground)
Short Trouble Alarm, Trouble
Short and open Trouble Trouble
Short and ground Trouble Alarm, Trouble
Open and ground Trouble Alarm, Trouble
Communication loss Trouble Trouble
Trouble = The control panel will indicate a trouble condition for this type of fault.
Alarm = The control panel must be able to process an alarm input signal in the presence of
this type of fault.