44 en | Encoder Settings Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
9.1 Encoder Profile
Profiles are rather complex and include a number of parameters
that interact with one another, so it is generally best to use the
pre-defined profiles. Only change a profile if completely familiar
with all the configuration options.
9.1.1 Pre-defined profiles
Eight definable profiles are available. The pre-defined profiles
give priority to different parameters.
– HD high quality / low latency
High resolution for high bandwidth connections
– HD high quality
High resolution with lower data rate
– HD low bandwidth
High resolution for low bandwidth connections
– SD high quality / low latency
Standard resolution for high bandwidth connections
– SD high quality
Standard resolution with lower data rate
– SD low bandwidth
Standard resolution for low bandwidth connections
Standard resolution for DSL connections
– ISDN (2B)
Low resolution for mobile phone connections
9.1.2 Changing a profile
The pre-defined profiles can be changed (a pre-defined profile
can always be recalled by using the Default button).
To change a profile, select it by clicking its tab, then change the
parameters within that profile.
If a setting outside the permitted range for a parameter is
entered, the nearest valid value is substituted when the
settings are saved.