Bosch Security Systems | 2003-09 | 9922 141 50502en
Plena Message Manager | Installation and Operating Manual | en | 18
• In the left hand part of the screen the messages (max. 12) can be filled out. Proceed as follows:
• Put the cursor in the File box of message # 1.
• Type the message file name and location (or use the Browse box to go to the folder where the message is
• Proceed in the same way for all necessary messages. The Time, Size and Sample (sample rate) fields will auto-
matically be filled out. During this process the program software will monitor the required memory capacity
and the overall capacity that is available.
• In the right hand part of the screen the sequence of the messages can be determined per trigger input. Proceed as
• Click on the first [▼]-box to invoke a pull-down menu that contains all message numbers that have been filled
out before.
• Select one of the messages.
• Select the next message, using the box to the right hand side of the first [▼]-box,. In this way up to four mes-
sages can be selected, thus creating a programmed message sequence. The total time (in s) for this message
sequence will be displayed in the Time field.
• If required click on the appropriate Zone number boxes in order to activate the corresponding zone(s). This
option is only of interest when the message manager is connected to a system pre-amplifier LBB1925.
• Proceed in the same way for the other message sequences.
• By clicking on the Play boxes in both the (left hand) Message screen and the (right hand) Trigger screen, the pro-
grammed messages or message sequences will be audible over the PC's loudspeakers. Click again to stop this
The menu bar at the top of the screen provides access to the File menu, the Setup menu and the Help menu.
Upon selection of File a pull-down menu appears with the following options:
- Open: Opens the dialog box to select a configuration file
- Save: Saves the configuration file; it is recommended to create a separate folder for this purpose
- Save as: Opens the dialog box to save the current configuration file
- Save as text file: Opens Notepad for saving the configuration file as a .txt file or for printing; it is recommended
to select font type Arial for optimum alignment
- Exit: Closes the program
Upon selection of Setup a pull-down menu appears with the options to:
- Select the RS232 Com port on the PC
- Select the language on the screen
Upon selection of Help you can select About Plena message manager to display the program release number.
• Connect the supplied RS232 cable between the PC and the message manager. Use the RS232 female socket at
the rear of the unit.
•Use the Com port selection button (in the pull-down menu under the Setup box) to select Com port 1 or 2 of the
• Click the Send messages and configuration button to transfer the file to the message manager. During this file transfer
-which, depending on the file size of the messages, may take up to 45 minutes (at 115 kbps)- the percentage ready
bar on the screen indicates the progress of the uploading process. During uploading the program mode indicator
LED (5) on the front is lit.The message indicator LEDs (7) on the front of the unit will be continuously lit for
each message that is present and available in the message manager.